Holiday Vacation Condominium Association
Trustees’ Meeting
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Community Room, Holiday Condominium Association

Meeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. by Dawn Horak. All board members were present as well as HVC Manager Jacki Howard.

Owners Input:

• No owners were present or by teleconference.

Topics Discussed:

• November 11, 2017 minutes were accepted and all in favor. The October 7, 2017 minutes were temporarily tabled.
• Financial report: Michael Gleason was not present. The financial report was tabled for the January meeting.
• Manager’s report: HVC closed for the season today, Saturday December 2, at 10 a.m. One housekeeper is still on staff and will clean the rest of the rooms that need cleaning. On December 11, water will be shut off except for Unit #40 and the main building. The outdoor pool has been retiled and will be plastered in the Spring.
• Technology: All meetings are being recorded by the teleconference software. Information regarding access to teleconference meetings are on the HVC website owner’s portal and the check-in welcome package.
• Maintenance: Installation of new floors will start the week of December 11, beginning with Unit #15. Ryan, our new maintenance employee, is working out well and making good progress in the painting of the units. Jacki had to replace the stove in Unit #26, and asked the board for permission to purchase four new stoves to upgrade units that currently already have stoves. All members of the board were in favor of the purchase.
• Status of collections: Jacki is always in contact with the collection agency. 2018 assessments and maintenance fee bills went out at the end of the November. Payments are coming in.
• Three-bid-policy: Big jobs over $3,000 need three bids. If three bids cannot be acquired, all efforts should be documented. The water tank did not need three bids because Jacki used a current contractor. Any job under $3,000 can be approved by the HVC Manager with an email to the board of trustees.
• Bingo: Cathy will again do Bingo starting Week 25 and ending possibly Week 39. Cathy will be away in July and will not be able to do one week of Bingo. Board approved Jacki to ask someone on staff to fill-in (with pay) or Dawn will volunteer if available.
• Other business: January and February meetings might be done through teleconference depending on weather. The board should know by Monday or Tuesday of that week if weather permits a meeting at HVC. Owners will be notified via the HVC website if changes are made.
• The next board meeting will be held on January 13 at 11 a.m. in the HVC Community Room. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.

Cathy Gonzalez